Business Consulting

I have been building my network & career as an entrepreneur for the last 12 years and my company Photo Walk Nashville has served over 10,000 happy customers, partnered with over 20 local businesses and been ranked #1 experience host in Nashville by Air Bnb 5 years in a row.
I help businesses
by auditing their internal processes, internet presence, and the connection they have with their clients & other businesses. By connecting the dots between all of these aspects, I can provide valuable insights and tangible actions to improve your overall business strategy & truly leverage your network, ultimately leading to increased revenue through cost-saving refinements or growth strategies and professional connections.
Whats a connection call?
A streamlined and effective way for me to  get you the advice you need, and connect you to the right people or services to grow your business.
Why do I need one?
By hiring a professional consultant & networker, you can gain invaluable industry knowledge, develop strong networks of contacts, create effective marketing strategies, and have access to the best resources available, while getting to focus more on the day to day operations and responsibilities of running your business
How do we start?
Once you schedule your call and pay, I will email you a brief for you to fill out.
It will collect general information about your business including the type of business, overall strategy, social links, general target market, as well as specific problems or goals you are looking for me to help you with.

30 min connection call

How I begin the work with all my clients
Pre-call information brief
General audit of your business strategy
Advice and direction based on my audit and your specific goals
Q & A for anything business or strategy related you are curious about
Business Plan Outline $50

I can provide you with a well organized document that contains a written summary of my audit, itemized steps & descriptions, links, contact information, and any other reference materials you need.

Schedule a Connection Call